You want to be “well”, right? You want to be content, productive, grow personally and professionally.
You want to feel whole again after the loss (losses) you’ve experienced or after the days, weeks, months or even years of chronic stress. You’re contemplating ending your relationship. Or perhaps you are a healthcare provider vicariously affected by your work with patients or clients and need a safe place “to put” that stress: A place where you will not be judged as weak or unprofessional by being impacted. Find yourself self-medicating? One glass of wine to help you wind down from it all turns into two, and then three. Parenting is tough and sometimes you could use someone to bounce things off of. Maybe you find yourself doing more for others, your community or your career without doing for yourself also? Feel unsustainable? It is.
When we feel this disconnected, overwhelmed, fragile, stagnant and so on; it it is difficult to set our intentions toward being well or to even envision what “being well” feels and looks like for you. And…getting well can be so difficult to reach alone…